Karikaturist &
portrait artist Marín

Your personal artist

Enjoy the funniest caricatures, drawn live at your events.

Give a handmade portrait, based on your most beautiful picture.

Enjoy your visit to my website!

Do you have a question? Write me an e-mail or call me.

Live caricatures

Caricatures on demand

Portraits on demand


New store on Etsy

Decorate your room with celebrity caricature posters .Each illustration captures the essence of your favorite celebrities, ideal as a gift or to add an original touch to your home. Buy now and benefit from fast shipping! Here is the link to the shop: CaricaturasMarín

Expo 'Rock Star Caricatures'

Enjoy the permanent exhibition ‘Rock Star Caricatures’ in Café Den Delper in Louvain, Belgium (Parijsstraat 30). For 20 euros you can buy a print of your favorite rock star caricature. It is a limited edition. Update: new caricatures from April 2023!

For sale: famous painters' caricatures

The expo 'Masters of Art' at art store TABLOO in Louvain (Belgium) has come to an end. The caricatures of the famous painters are now for sale for 129,95 euros each drawing. Check the Facebook post for more information or send me an e-mail: info@marin-artist.com.